Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Gift from my Saudi Neighbour!!

God is Kind to me!

While I came here, I was apprehensive, as to how to stay alone in a alien land?
But HE is Great!!

I some how, stayed here, and about a year now, has passed..
A new neighbour , has come to my adjacent flat.

A Saudi Gentleman.
I was apprehensive , as to how to stay here, as may be some times, he comes out and I am there ..
I had different perceptions..

As i was climbing , the stairs today, i was greeted by my neighbour gentleman.
He too was comming back home for the lunch!

I invited him, and i gave him a pack of Oranges as a token!!
I told him, that i would take bath , then i shall cook!!

I was taking bath, there was a knock at the door.
I was wondering, as to who would it be.
I opened the door,
It was he my dear neighbour!

He had brought a tray, with hot steaming Rice, Chapaati, and Mutton Curry and Onion!!

I thanked God, as my food was there..

I took the rice & the chapatis,
i some how, made him understand , in sign language, as i am still very weak in arabic, that I was a vegitarian!!
The Rice was so tasty, full of Love!!

Thank you so much my dear friend from Saudi!
God Bless!!

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