Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lumbini Medical College,Parbhas, Tansen-11,Palpa.

This is the college, which gave me initial shelter, after I was kicked out and my market status fell down to zero!

Mr Gopal Bahadur Pokhreal, the smilling , Chairman , was /is a helping person.

I was happy , there, and was there for about 2 years..
I regained and started working in full strength!

There is a management crisis and problem! The Palpalis & The pandits hold a upper hand there.
The people of 'Paharia Origin' have the upper hand!
The other people are there as a scrap.
like a condom, use & throw!

The job condition and the pay packet is decieded according to your caste status!
The Job Skill, is also judged by your caste & creed!

we used to get less paid, although , we would do the maximum cases, manage the OPDs and the patients, but the star surgeon/director/dy med suptd, etc etc, Dr Prakash Sapkota, would come once in a fortnight, would perform many surgeries and would leave enough complications, for us to deal for the next fortnight. He, being the ruilling class, would be rewarded, he would draw, two pays, plus benefits!

Technically, he was in the same scale of pay, but it would be difficult for me to meet the monthly expences, on the contrary, dr sapkota, purchased a huge plot at butwal, for 60 lakhs, and also constructed a house at butwal, may be on bank loans, but the EMI , too had to be paid!!

I became friendly with majority of the staffs, class 4, class3 and the teachers of the Basic Sciences.

Dr Prakash sapkota, had another designs, he wanted /still wants to be the chairman of the college, he felt threatened, he made a design.

There was a patient, on whom I had performed a Gall Bladder surgery. I had a accepted complication. There was bilious leakage, which rectified itself, by about 2 weeks time.
The patient was discharged on the 3rd week.

dr Prakash , took advantage of the fact, he along with another duffer, a ??Paediatrician, (Unqualified), Dr raju Sakya, turned to be a ultrasonologist, called the patient from his home, to conform, as to , she is ok, did a ultrasound scan, and made her understand, sent her to United mission Hospital Tansen, ( This hospital have a bad rellationship with LMC) and got her reoperated!
The usual would be to sent /inform me, as LMC if there were any doubts/problms..

I am a outspoken person, i cannot play dirty politics!

These palpali people felt threatened and wanted to kick me out.
They made Mr Pokhreal understand that I am a dumb. it would be better to fire me.
I had no inkling!
I am the only one doing Prostatic surgeries, TURPs after kathmandu & bharatpur.
I had fixed 2 cases, at the evening around 3.30 pm. Nirdosh khannal, company Secretary called me softly, that Chairman wants to talk.

I went there, Mr Pokhreal, started speaking in Hindi, that I have become useless, and it is better for me to just leave & vanish.

I asked , as to i needed a place to keep my luggage, he agreed for a month..

I was fired..
No payments, made, although as per LMC's rules, I would get 2 months, pay, plus Dusshera pay, and the balance payment.. Still , I am waiting for the payment.
mr Pokhreal, I asked him to send the money in my bank a/c. He gladly agreed..

I am still waiting for the payments.. not paid yet.. 2 months have passed.

I went to delhi, got a job, but i wanted to be close to the nature..
I returned back to butwal, where my nephew, Dr Mohan Singh, in conjugation with Mr Jagat Pokhreal, arranged a job at Edmond City Hospital. I am adjusted there..
God Bless, both!!

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