Sunday, November 28, 2010

True But Real Testing Predictions by Gupto Press Panjika

As I have been trying hard to resettle, my life, i have been failing miserably!!
I did not loose/lost!

I am a True fighter, as my Dad, fighting from the last couple of years..

My Banana business failed, i did not mind it.
I was thinking, false as on today, that my fish project would at least support me..

But, today, i called the labours, paid them their dues, i was happy, i would at least get 80 quintals of fish, quite enough for me as a support.

There were some left over fishes on the adjorning nullah too, swept from my pond , this rainy season..

I got a large one, size of 1 1/2 kg.
Some how they( from the nullah) were put inside the pond, but in pond there were no fishes, except for few small ones..

In one stroke, my 8 lakhs rupees vanished...

suddenly i realised , that I lost 10 lakhs, loan from LIC, 1.25 lakhs as a interest, 8 lakhs cost of fishes and may be another 16 lakhs for the cost of bananas..

But I became very happy today..
My bad days has passed.
Now i should get back with interest...

I Pray Sri GuruDEV..

experiences are not cheap..

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