Friday, November 26, 2010

My Failed First Business Attempt!

I Started , rather tried to restart again!
I did not know , at the start this early year, that the money , which I had borrowed from LIC is going to be a waste!!

Yoog Chemung, vaayamyahum!!!
This is the philosophy of the Life Insurance Corporation..
I did not / could not understand as to what it said..

But , now i have fully realised, as to what Real friend is LIC.

It supports you, when all others have failed..
I got a huge amount, by my standards as a loan from LIC, and invested in this agri businss, trying for a come back..

Time was against me, the Gupto Press bangla Paanji, had predicted otherwise. I thought it to be wrong. But it was true.
I lost every thing.

Pure zero..

Sometimes, i felt like leaving every thing, lost my job, no shelter, no place to stay, no where to go,
but I did not loose.
By Sri Gurudev's Grace, I fought back.
Got back a job.
Got a shelter to stay, and got a bahu & son, who cooks regularily and feeds me with love and care.
I had the taste of what real family ties were, of course , without any blood ties..
I found sentimental ties to be more strong than the blood ties!

Times are changing!!
The very people , who had forgotten me, have come on their own to help me out!!
Thanks to my friends..
They stood by me. They were with me, never failed, were strong, when my own blood family failed miserably!!

I started getting results..
The Fish project saved me.
Although , the initial banana project filed, but i now know as to why it failed?

I have rectified my deficits.. One learns by errors!
I know, by next year, By His grace, I should settle , as I was before.

I would , remember , my first business and of course my first family....

Both, ditched me!!

God Bless!!
But I would reset again!!

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