Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Love for Nepal!

I am leading a life of a destitute , from the last 3 years, if not more!
Kicked away from my ??Home, no shelter, no place to go, no one to talk to, no children to support to and no definite job status.

But i am very Happy, Thanks to my Sri Gurudev and God!!
I have been living quite happily , as a true Destitute!

I got a accomodation to stay to, electricity & water , in abundance(a Luxury), and i have found many rellatives(although, not my blood rellated ones), these newer rellatives are far more caring & faithful!

I have one, my nephew, Dr Mohan Singh, an Orthopaedic Surgeon. He pays for my food, takes care of me, and gets angry, if I do not visit him! His wife , my daughter in law , is more caring!

This Deepawali i.e.(5th of Nov 10), I had no place to go to and no money too!
I decieded to stay back in my room.
I went to visit my hospital, got 2 small surgeries to do.
After finishing , off my surgeries, I came back home, and fell asleep.
By evening, when I got up , it was Diwali Evening!Lot's of movements.

I found a eatery( Bhancha Ghar) , just opposite the road of my residence.
I went there for dinner, as the routine restaurants were all shut for diwali.

I ordered foe the dinner.

I found 2 more persons already having dinner there.
As I sat down, the lady, owner of the eatery, came to me and asked , do you not like putting teeka on your forehead.( Teeka is a red Coloured mark on the forehead). This is highly respectible thing!

I was dumbfounded, to find the lady, carrying a flower, a teeka and a sweet, for me, and she applied the teeka on my forehead!

Humanity , still resides in Nepal..
I kept thinking as to the sentiments of the lady!!!!!

She wanted , no one left over , from the Diwali Celebration!!!!

This/such emotions , one cannot find else where, esp. today's India.This is a rare commodity there!!
Joy Nepal...
So I love Nepal!!!


  1. true story....
    thank you sir for your relevations

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
