Saturday, November 27, 2010

Farewell my Elder brother from Tansen & Barood khan

Today, after trying hard from the last 7 weeks, i finally made myself to go to Tansen, to collect my left over goods at Tansen..
Precisely, kazipauwa, barood khan, baaun tol, tansen-11, exact address!

Two years , from now, i had reached the place in similar condition, it was evening time then, received by my Elder Brother, Sri Krishna Adhikari, krishna dai, as people would address him..

Today, similar situation, except my parents, Dai was present till the last, as i left Tansen..

I promished, i would come back some days again, to be a permanent Palpali!!

I did not had realised, as to what Palpa was and what was Palpali??
As I reached there, got down from my bike, i was greeted as you greet your son, back home from the hostel!!
I was flavourgasted! This natural & genuine Love & affection is a rare commodity these days!!
I thanked my Sri Gurudev, He, arranged my bad Times in such a way, it became a memorable event!
I went to see my neighbour Gyanwali Dai, he sells milk and general items, both of us were very sad . I promished , i would again revisit.

Suddenly, I had a hug from behind! Shiba's little girl of 2 years, knew Uncle had come, she held me from behind in my lap.. Divine feelings!! Cannot express!! Thank you tansen!

I went to sat farewell to pandey dai, a retaired teacher, he could not express his sentiments, he just took a stick, went to his Orange Orchard, got two juicy oranges from the tree as a farewell gift!!

The goods when i entered tansen were only 8 odd kilos, but now, beyond my comprehension it was a pickup load.
Mr Shrestha, who is from Butwal, feeds me, by runing a restaurant, along with his wife, drove me to tansen in my bike.

The Driver, and Mr Shrestha and his brother in law, got together , loaded a pickup load of goods.
I could not have dared without their help..

With a deep heart , i started back in my bike, driven by Mr Shrestha!
Back in the road many people waved , as if a close rellative is going...
I really cannot thank you Tansen & Nepal..
Humanity still resides there..

It became dark as we reached butwal, my next shelter!
The Pickup loaded to full, was some how managed to be put near my residence.
Unloaded, by the time i could realise, Mrs Shrestha, my Bahuri, came & helped in setteling my goods.. Real experience of gratitude!!

I had two heavy gas Cylinders, which was difficult for me to carry. To my surprise, Mr Rujhal, our promoter, who just came, carried them for me..

I really cannot thank you ..

Great People, Great Nepal..

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