Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Miracle..In The Desert Sands of Jizan, KSA

I was very fond of Mangoes from my early childhood!
We were from a back ground of Middle Class, had no farming, so in my early childhood, as I stayed with my maternal grandfather, he would buy me sometimes Mangoes..

May be, that is still in my system! I found Great Mangoes, Grown in This Desert Sands of Beesh, in Jizan Province, of KSA( Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).

These are so delicious, are of Low Sugar, so that few people, who do not take sugar, at least they can enjoy mangoes, and big sizes.. 3 would be around 1500 gms..

This is the result of hard toil of the bangladeshi labourers, who are hardworking, who are really taken good care, by their 'Kafeels'! They are Saudis. Treat them like their sons!!
Nice people!! God Bless..               Low Sugar/Tommy Aitkins Mangoes!

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