Monday, November 29, 2010

Edmond City Hospital, Butwal

Finally I land down to Butwal, it's the first plain, after you descend down from The Mountain Top Tansen, uukaalo, in Nepali!

I wanted to go to Tansen and hand over the keys, as promised to Great Company Secretary of LMC, Parbhas, so I called The Chairperson , Gopal Pokhrel, just to seek an appointment.

He was at Kathmandu, as I called him he said. I informed him about my intention.
But , although he is a chairperson, he behaved like a safai wallah...
(Need not to clarify more).

I then called the great CS, Nirdosh, he was after me, so that I hand over the keys of my residence at Tansen, i declined, said, i desire to handover the keys only to GP Pokhrel, personally, asked me to inform me POK's arrivel..
Nirdosh was not willing to understand!!
God Bless!

I was a bit tied and unhappy today, after loosing a like's earning!

There were few patients in the OPD today.
I went for my lunch at 12.30, my hotelier, bahuri was busy, so i had to go back without any food.
As I lay down in my residence, in the carpet, i fell asleep.
As I got up, a thought came into my mind... what would happen if I die just now??

How would come to claim my dead body??

I found only 3 friends ... Dr Mohan Singh, Raju Bhaiya, Vishal & Bijan Bhai......

I got scared..
Got up, went back to the hospital, Edmonston City Hospital.

I was blessed by SRI GURUDEV>>
I got the first surgery, this month, mangsir, a appendicectomy..

I asked for admitting the patient, informed the OT and asked them to call the anaesthetist, Dr Luxmi Pathak, she is like my daughter.. takes care of me!!

The surgery was good, but the surgical assistant was 'Real Jocker'..
There is Bhai Bhatija Waad here, so quantity is there, quality is less.

Got the surgery done, became dark, as i returned back home.
On the way back got some green peas for my dinner..

No electricity.. Pitch dark all around!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

True But Real Testing Predictions by Gupto Press Panjika

As I have been trying hard to resettle, my life, i have been failing miserably!!
I did not loose/lost!

I am a True fighter, as my Dad, fighting from the last couple of years..

My Banana business failed, i did not mind it.
I was thinking, false as on today, that my fish project would at least support me..

But, today, i called the labours, paid them their dues, i was happy, i would at least get 80 quintals of fish, quite enough for me as a support.

There were some left over fishes on the adjorning nullah too, swept from my pond , this rainy season..

I got a large one, size of 1 1/2 kg.
Some how they( from the nullah) were put inside the pond, but in pond there were no fishes, except for few small ones..

In one stroke, my 8 lakhs rupees vanished...

suddenly i realised , that I lost 10 lakhs, loan from LIC, 1.25 lakhs as a interest, 8 lakhs cost of fishes and may be another 16 lakhs for the cost of bananas..

But I became very happy today..
My bad days has passed.
Now i should get back with interest...

I Pray Sri GuruDEV..

experiences are not cheap..

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Farewell my Elder brother from Tansen & Barood khan

Today, after trying hard from the last 7 weeks, i finally made myself to go to Tansen, to collect my left over goods at Tansen..
Precisely, kazipauwa, barood khan, baaun tol, tansen-11, exact address!

Two years , from now, i had reached the place in similar condition, it was evening time then, received by my Elder Brother, Sri Krishna Adhikari, krishna dai, as people would address him..

Today, similar situation, except my parents, Dai was present till the last, as i left Tansen..

I promished, i would come back some days again, to be a permanent Palpali!!

I did not had realised, as to what Palpa was and what was Palpali??
As I reached there, got down from my bike, i was greeted as you greet your son, back home from the hostel!!
I was flavourgasted! This natural & genuine Love & affection is a rare commodity these days!!
I thanked my Sri Gurudev, He, arranged my bad Times in such a way, it became a memorable event!
I went to see my neighbour Gyanwali Dai, he sells milk and general items, both of us were very sad . I promished , i would again revisit.

Suddenly, I had a hug from behind! Shiba's little girl of 2 years, knew Uncle had come, she held me from behind in my lap.. Divine feelings!! Cannot express!! Thank you tansen!

I went to sat farewell to pandey dai, a retaired teacher, he could not express his sentiments, he just took a stick, went to his Orange Orchard, got two juicy oranges from the tree as a farewell gift!!

The goods when i entered tansen were only 8 odd kilos, but now, beyond my comprehension it was a pickup load.
Mr Shrestha, who is from Butwal, feeds me, by runing a restaurant, along with his wife, drove me to tansen in my bike.

The Driver, and Mr Shrestha and his brother in law, got together , loaded a pickup load of goods.
I could not have dared without their help..

With a deep heart , i started back in my bike, driven by Mr Shrestha!
Back in the road many people waved , as if a close rellative is going...
I really cannot thank you Tansen & Nepal..
Humanity still resides there..

It became dark as we reached butwal, my next shelter!
The Pickup loaded to full, was some how managed to be put near my residence.
Unloaded, by the time i could realise, Mrs Shrestha, my Bahuri, came & helped in setteling my goods.. Real experience of gratitude!!

I had two heavy gas Cylinders, which was difficult for me to carry. To my surprise, Mr Rujhal, our promoter, who just came, carried them for me..

I really cannot thank you ..

Great People, Great Nepal..

Friday, November 26, 2010

My Failed First Business Attempt!

I Started , rather tried to restart again!
I did not know , at the start this early year, that the money , which I had borrowed from LIC is going to be a waste!!

Yoog Chemung, vaayamyahum!!!
This is the philosophy of the Life Insurance Corporation..
I did not / could not understand as to what it said..

But , now i have fully realised, as to what Real friend is LIC.

It supports you, when all others have failed..
I got a huge amount, by my standards as a loan from LIC, and invested in this agri businss, trying for a come back..

Time was against me, the Gupto Press bangla Paanji, had predicted otherwise. I thought it to be wrong. But it was true.
I lost every thing.

Pure zero..

Sometimes, i felt like leaving every thing, lost my job, no shelter, no place to stay, no where to go,
but I did not loose.
By Sri Gurudev's Grace, I fought back.
Got back a job.
Got a shelter to stay, and got a bahu & son, who cooks regularily and feeds me with love and care.
I had the taste of what real family ties were, of course , without any blood ties..
I found sentimental ties to be more strong than the blood ties!

Times are changing!!
The very people , who had forgotten me, have come on their own to help me out!!
Thanks to my friends..
They stood by me. They were with me, never failed, were strong, when my own blood family failed miserably!!

I started getting results..
The Fish project saved me.
Although , the initial banana project filed, but i now know as to why it failed?

I have rectified my deficits.. One learns by errors!
I know, by next year, By His grace, I should settle , as I was before.

I would , remember , my first business and of course my first family....

Both, ditched me!!

God Bless!!
But I would reset again!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Teehaar(Tihar) in Nepal!

Teehar , is a occasion, when we come to meet our family , friends and rellatives!
The 'Spirit of festivity', one cannot imagine/think of , if you do not stay among them!!

This is after Deepawali, on the 2nd moon day, the sisters would apply Red Coloured Teeka upon their Brothers forehead,

The Seniors would be visited by the youngers, they would get teeka applied , and also , a 'token money' , would be received by the juniors...

Last 5 days , it's a holiday , markets closed, even eatery too , are closed!!

Childern, come to your door, singing praises for you, beating 'Maadaal', it's a great experince!
You pay them some money, which is graciously acknoledged!

The Seniors , including ladies , too , would gather on the street chowks, have music and good quality sound systems, they would sing and dance, people would also support and share!!
Great Feelings and experience, volunatry donations are accepted, not asked for!

In the nearby temples, people would gather and sing Bhajans, many together!!!

A whole lot of community family feeling!!

Girls , putting on attractive dresses, women in good dresses, no eyebrows raised!!
Such Joyous feelings & events are a rare commodity!!

Great Nepal & Nepalese!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lumbini Medical College,Parbhas, Tansen-11,Palpa.

This is the college, which gave me initial shelter, after I was kicked out and my market status fell down to zero!

Mr Gopal Bahadur Pokhreal, the smilling , Chairman , was /is a helping person.

I was happy , there, and was there for about 2 years..
I regained and started working in full strength!

There is a management crisis and problem! The Palpalis & The pandits hold a upper hand there.
The people of 'Paharia Origin' have the upper hand!
The other people are there as a scrap.
like a condom, use & throw!

The job condition and the pay packet is decieded according to your caste status!
The Job Skill, is also judged by your caste & creed!

we used to get less paid, although , we would do the maximum cases, manage the OPDs and the patients, but the star surgeon/director/dy med suptd, etc etc, Dr Prakash Sapkota, would come once in a fortnight, would perform many surgeries and would leave enough complications, for us to deal for the next fortnight. He, being the ruilling class, would be rewarded, he would draw, two pays, plus benefits!

Technically, he was in the same scale of pay, but it would be difficult for me to meet the monthly expences, on the contrary, dr sapkota, purchased a huge plot at butwal, for 60 lakhs, and also constructed a house at butwal, may be on bank loans, but the EMI , too had to be paid!!

I became friendly with majority of the staffs, class 4, class3 and the teachers of the Basic Sciences.

Dr Prakash sapkota, had another designs, he wanted /still wants to be the chairman of the college, he felt threatened, he made a design.

There was a patient, on whom I had performed a Gall Bladder surgery. I had a accepted complication. There was bilious leakage, which rectified itself, by about 2 weeks time.
The patient was discharged on the 3rd week.

dr Prakash , took advantage of the fact, he along with another duffer, a ??Paediatrician, (Unqualified), Dr raju Sakya, turned to be a ultrasonologist, called the patient from his home, to conform, as to , she is ok, did a ultrasound scan, and made her understand, sent her to United mission Hospital Tansen, ( This hospital have a bad rellationship with LMC) and got her reoperated!
The usual would be to sent /inform me, as LMC if there were any doubts/problms..

I am a outspoken person, i cannot play dirty politics!

These palpali people felt threatened and wanted to kick me out.
They made Mr Pokhreal understand that I am a dumb. it would be better to fire me.
I had no inkling!
I am the only one doing Prostatic surgeries, TURPs after kathmandu & bharatpur.
I had fixed 2 cases, at the evening around 3.30 pm. Nirdosh khannal, company Secretary called me softly, that Chairman wants to talk.

I went there, Mr Pokhreal, started speaking in Hindi, that I have become useless, and it is better for me to just leave & vanish.

I asked , as to i needed a place to keep my luggage, he agreed for a month..

I was fired..
No payments, made, although as per LMC's rules, I would get 2 months, pay, plus Dusshera pay, and the balance payment.. Still , I am waiting for the payment.
mr Pokhreal, I asked him to send the money in my bank a/c. He gladly agreed..

I am still waiting for the payments.. not paid yet.. 2 months have passed.

I went to delhi, got a job, but i wanted to be close to the nature..
I returned back to butwal, where my nephew, Dr Mohan Singh, in conjugation with Mr Jagat Pokhreal, arranged a job at Edmond City Hospital. I am adjusted there..
God Bless, both!!

My Love for Nepal!

I am leading a life of a destitute , from the last 3 years, if not more!
Kicked away from my ??Home, no shelter, no place to go, no one to talk to, no children to support to and no definite job status.

But i am very Happy, Thanks to my Sri Gurudev and God!!
I have been living quite happily , as a true Destitute!

I got a accomodation to stay to, electricity & water , in abundance(a Luxury), and i have found many rellatives(although, not my blood rellated ones), these newer rellatives are far more caring & faithful!

I have one, my nephew, Dr Mohan Singh, an Orthopaedic Surgeon. He pays for my food, takes care of me, and gets angry, if I do not visit him! His wife , my daughter in law , is more caring!

This Deepawali i.e.(5th of Nov 10), I had no place to go to and no money too!
I decieded to stay back in my room.
I went to visit my hospital, got 2 small surgeries to do.
After finishing , off my surgeries, I came back home, and fell asleep.
By evening, when I got up , it was Diwali Evening!Lot's of movements.

I found a eatery( Bhancha Ghar) , just opposite the road of my residence.
I went there for dinner, as the routine restaurants were all shut for diwali.

I ordered foe the dinner.

I found 2 more persons already having dinner there.
As I sat down, the lady, owner of the eatery, came to me and asked , do you not like putting teeka on your forehead.( Teeka is a red Coloured mark on the forehead). This is highly respectible thing!

I was dumbfounded, to find the lady, carrying a flower, a teeka and a sweet, for me, and she applied the teeka on my forehead!

Humanity , still resides in Nepal..
I kept thinking as to the sentiments of the lady!!!!!

She wanted , no one left over , from the Diwali Celebration!!!!

This/such emotions , one cannot find else where, esp. today's India.This is a rare commodity there!!
Joy Nepal...
So I love Nepal!!!