Wednesday, April 7, 2021

HIS Manifestation & Universe.

 This Essay is Based Upon The Lectures of Swami Shankacharya Maharaj of Puri.

My Sri Guru Dev Santh Samrath Yogi Paramhans! 

In Skandopanishad - it is said, When Sacchidananad Paramatma , HE Creates The Composition of The Universe. Then Lord Barahma Dev is in The Form of Aaditya / Surya.

When The Lord is in The Palan Phase , HIS Roop , becomes of Lord Vishnu Ji.

When The same Lordship is in The Phase of Destruction, HIS Roop becomes that of Lord Shiva.

When in NIGRAH stage, HIS Roop is of SHAKTI.

When in Anugrah , the same Lord manifests as Bhagwan/Paramatma or Lord Sri Ganesh.

In The World, there are mainly three types of Adhikaris ( Humans).~




Some people exhibit Satwa Guna.

Majority of People manifests Rajoguna /Rajas.

Few people exhibit Tamas/ Tamsik Qualities.

Few people in their life time, have majority manifestations of Satwa Guna, Majority Rajo Guna, and some have Tamo Guna 

The Upasana Methods ( Padhtye), are two types:

    Waam Marg.

    Dakshina Marg.

Persons are Either of Tamo Guna, majority Rajo Guna, few Satwa Guna.

One who are Satwik, they should not fall to be Rajo Guni / Tamo Guni. They Do Not Needed to Fall down the level. In Their Previous Lives, they have already Lived & exhausted The Bhooga of Rajo Guna and Tamo Guna.They have already Crossed the limits , in their previous lives.

But The Tamsi Person, He is Lazy, He lives in Madh(Arrogance), Maithun and cannot remain without them. Four Things ~ Aahar , Nindra, Fear(Bhaya), & Maithun. Such types of Persons, cannot live without Psychotropic Substances.They are The Only Taamasi/ Tamo Guni  Persons.

But Our Scriptures have systems for upliftment of these persons.

Tamo Guni Persons, are Up Lifted to Rajo Guni Persons, because Tamo Guni Persons, cannot become directly Sato Guni . They have to follow the level of Rajo Guni, then Sato Guni.

Satwa Guni ~ Prakash/ Vivek / Vigyan .

Rajo Guni ~ Halchal ( Movements).

Tamo Guni~ Nindra/ Aalashya / Pramad / Stri Sampark ke lolupta.., these are Tamo Guna.

To Take Care of Such situations, in Our Sanatan Dharma , there is the method of PARISANKHYA. Example - Some Chain Smoker Smokes 50 Cigarettes a day, reduce it to 5 per day. This is Parisankhya.

Vaam Marg:- 

A person , who cannot leave and live without such habits /things. as some diabetic, who cannot leave Sugar, then The Doctor advices, Stevia in place of Sugar. Slowly in days to come, the person leaves Sugar for always. So He got Sweet taste and its less harmful. 

Similarily , in Vaam Marg~ Person, who cannot leave Maithun, Madhya, in Vaam Marg/ Tantrik Marg, it is Given to Devi or Devta, so that The Maan initially would fix into Devi/Devta. So what happened, Initially , The Maan comes and fixes to Devi/Devta., then becomes attached to Devi/Devta. 

Then what happened ? It Gets Properly fixed To Devi/Devta. it becomes a Ritual . So what happens, The Pashu Bali( Slaughter), is fixed into some Rules & Regulations. It is then performed in a Better way, The animals get SADGATI. They arise in next life. The Benefit of Lamb is also looked after. and the person, after eating lamb , after some times would start hating flesh. This would of course depend upon the levels of The Person , who is eating. This method is put on such persons.

We Do NoT Worship according to Vaama Marg, but in Vaama Marg , there is a system , of Purifying Tamo Guni persons, and slowly bring them Right Marga.

As For Some Papa Persons, who cannot live with Paap, ` we advice Do Not Commit Things which are restricted ( Nishid Karma). Don't accept such works, which are bad as described in The Shastras.

To Get Relieved from Nishid Karma , Kami Karma is advised, to relieve from Kami Karma, Nitya Karma is there. To Get Relieve from Nitya Karma, Upasana Karma is there, if one rises such heights, to get relieved from Upasana Karma, there are chambers of Tattwa Karma . Similarily in these Chambers there is Aghor Panth / Aghor Math,.

The Meaning of AGHOR is often misunderstood. Its something wonderful.

Meaning of GHOR is ~ Rajo Guna.

Usually normal people take Aghor as Very Impure, but actually, its just the opposite., AGHOR means Very Pure. Aghor Panthi. They Live in Shamshan. It means, The person, cleans his Chit slowly and purifies it and joins & enhances  Vaishnavochit Samskar.

Satya Aum.