Thursday, March 8, 2012

Is This The Women's Lib???????????????

I some how, started/restarted my life!! Got some how a difficult job, in The MOH, Govt. of KSA, life became resetteled, i could pay off the loans, which i had to take , for the payments of the monthly expences for myself & my children..

I was taking Anti Hypertensive Drugs , from a long time, but AllhumDilullaha, they were now not needed, there at The Holy Land of Saudi.. I became free without any drugs!! I thanked The Almighty!

My father, had left for His Heavenly Abode, a few months earlier, during my stay at Saudi, I could not come to attend, his funeral, as I did not have Iquama and money , of course , leave..

Any how, i could get leave , after 6 months of service, I was thankful, I came back to my Motherland, Gorakhpur... I stayed in the flat, which my friend, Mr Pandey, allowed me to stay at Mohaddipur! I was happy.

It was the festival of Holi, that made me happy & gay, i became happy. My younger son, Soahum, who is a medico at Delhi, called me and informed that he was comming home for a brief visit. My elder son , Arjun, too was at home! I was happy, although, i would not be able to see/meet then at their home, but at least, they would be home , for Holi! I missed my daughter, Pari,( Angle), I thought, at least, my daughter, would be seeing both of her brothers!!
God Bless..

Although about 2 days had passed , as i had arrived back from Delhi, to Gorakhpur, my children could not dare to visit me, as their mother forbade.. Only yesterday, for a brief moment, my elder son, came to collect his monthly money!! He was trying to explain his situation, which i gladly agreed & understood!

Today, in the evening , I went to take my meals, i was feeling hungry, i had not eaten anything, from the yesterday lunch, as i did not go to the market , to the restaurant, as i was lazy to drive and wanted to save some money! Meals in the restaurants have become expensive!! The Cheaper, eatery, Marwari Hotel was closed for Holi, Ganesh Restaurant, a expensive one, too was closed, so i did not have any other options , than to eat at Bobi's , a costly Restaurant, in Golghar. There i met the owner, ?Shailesh, my old time friends.. We were happy to see each other.. I had Yellow Pulses and Spinach for the dinner.

I was not feeling , nice, I came back home(Mohaddipur), and went to sleep!! I slept early at 8.30 pm.

I was awakened by a cell phone call, from one of my good friend, Dr PC Awasthi. Time was 22.30 hrs, he invited me to his, residence, for dinner, as both of my sons were at his house! Although, i did not feel nice, but i hesistantly, immediately got up and drove to Dr Awasthi's place, which is nearby, around 3 kms away! The gates were closed, as it was late, i could persuade the guards, i was allowed inside..

I had carried my Handycam, alomg with me, as I thought, I would take some photographs of my children! They took some nice pictures, I asked my younger son to carry the camera back to his home and take some photographs of my daughter(sister of them) too!! He willingly took the camera..

By about 1/2 an hours time, the children left for their home. I kept back staying at Dr Awasthi's place. I had tea there! Pranshu, (Dr Awasthi's) son, who is a Capt. in The Indian Army, loves me so much!! He took some nice pictures in his camera. We watched them.

My children, did not say any thing, as to why were they there at Dr Awasthi's place , and why they could not call/visit me!! God Bless! later I found there were some other important reasons for them to come!

I had parted away, every thing material I had to my 'Estranged Wife', Dr Ranjana, as a bargain, to settle 29 Criminal Cases, against me, my friend Raju Bhaiya & driver Vishal Anand as a bargain... in The Allahabad High Court....

I had no where to go/live.... I did not mind!! I thanked God , so that I became free!!! Small Price to buy Peace!!!
I some how, fought back and By HIS Grace, I had about to resettle!!

I again received a jolt!! I felt Very Bad!! I was feeling uneasy, I asked my Bhateeji, Parul Awasthi, who is herself a Doctor, completed MBBS, to check my BP. It was High! Although, it was normal from the past couple of month, during my stay at Saudi..

I came back to my residence at Mohaddipur, from Dr Awasthi's house. It was around 1.00 am. I was feeling uneasy. I could not sleep.. I received a call from my elder son, informing , that Dr Ranjana, had managed to get some 'Funeral Ashes' of my father. late Amiya Bagchi. My mother agreed , in good gesture , and gave this lady, as my father in his life time was very much attached to Gorakhpur!

I India, males carry out the rituals of funeral rellated rites. My son, informed me, in the late night, that tomarrow, early at 6.30 am, the ashes of my father would be immersed in The Local Rapti River, by my Estranged wife , Dr Ranjana, who does not want me to know about this and would not allow me to do it!!

I really felt stabbed and hurt!! I weeped to my Impotency!! I was feeling Like 'Shantanu", The Great Warrior of MahaBharat Times, same as he may have felt impotent, serving the 'kaurawas'!

I could not sleep!! I wrote my feelings to one of my friends from Serbia, for an advice.I was in the net, suddenly, Pranshu was calling me in the FB!! He calls me 'Kakaji', i.e. Uncle! He said, uncle, it seems , you have become FB Addict!! As he did not expect me to come to the net so late!! I was writing to my Internet Friend at Serbia for the advice!! I explained every thing to dear son Pranshu! I was feeling very bad. I wept for my Impotence! I knew , i was helpless!! I thanked The God! He was making me more and more stronger!

Pranshu realised my feelings, he assured me, ok Uncle , I am comming to your house to console you at this late hours! I felt so nice! At Least I have a 'Dependable Soldier Son'! God Bless!!

I was feeling weary!! Is This Women's Lib??????

This is terrible!! Very Inhumane, Very Bad!! Times would Only Prove!! God Bless!!!

If this is ' women's lib', I am surely against it!! THIS SURELY , INHUMANE!!!!