Sunday, August 21, 2011

Anna Ji & MMS and his Government, why GOI do not want Lokpaal Bill..

I was wondering, as to why MMS and his duffer courtiers , were against the Jan Lok Paal Bill.. Lalu Prasad yadav, always against....

I am attaching the Wikileaks List Of People, who have stached money in swiss banks..:-

The List speaks itself..
rajiv gandhi, kalamandi, harshad mehta, lalloo prasad yadav, etc..

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Anna ji & Our People

Satya Aum!!

I have been watching the events unfolding itself....
The Country is frenzy..
People in the cities and towns, all showing their solidarity..

Great To watch Little Children, participating in full support.

But as usual, God Forgive me, I am unable to find any usefulness for our masses??

Anna Ji, did a wonderful job, he could arise The Masses, India is a country with a great quality, we may be fragmented, but when it comes The turn for Our Country, we are all together!! For the country.

Same here, people have become disgraunted with the today's democratic system.. Full of corruption, wherein, The majority is left out, whereas by enginering and design, the minority is ruling the country....

The ruiling as well as the oppositionpoliticians, are all for their interests, siphoning the country...

This is added by a great italino mafiaso, with all her illgotten money...

The design, which I could analyse,( May God make me wrong !!! ),

The Game Plan is as:-

The people, shows solidarity and revolt with Annaji, they would be supported by raul vinci, who would sack MMS and his cabinet, raul vinci, would take the chair of PM. He would be there for some oppurtunistic time.. Poor Great Indian people would just cheer upon raul vinci, for his great deeds..., then when raul vinci and his dear mother sania maino, shifts themself and their wealth, raul would shift to a safer heaven followed by his columbian , daughter of drug cartel, who may be tried for becomming Great Indian Bahu, but in the end, raul vinci would too leave for safer heavens, the mantle of PM's chair would go to The fastest & richest christian Billionaire Of India,robert vadra,( dhiru bhai with all his tricks, took about 50 years to become a billionaire, but robert vadra took only 10 years to become 10 billionaire), who is the third person after President of India and Chief Justice of India, NOT TO BE FRISKED at the International airport..It was more than a mere co incidence for vadra, to loose his brother, sister all in a sequence, in different accidents followed by his defying dear father, who committed suicide..

Think India Think!!