Friday, April 29, 2011

Khuli joo aankh tha( When I opened my eyes, from a dream)

Last few years passed as if I was sleeping and seeing a dream!!!

Suddenly, as I open my eyes today, I find a differen world, people selfish, busy and carelessely self centered!!!

I remember this after I listen to Ustad Maarrhum Mehdi Hassan Sb's Ghazal,---
'Khulee joo aankh to, naa woh taah , naa woh jaamaana tha,
deehekti aag, tha, tanhaai thi, faasaana thaa....

truely, I am living in the same situation!!
Allhum dilullaha!!
God Bless

Royal Wedding!!

Today, I was astonished to find all the contemporary TV Channels, be it CNN,Aljazeera, Indian Soap Operas, and of course, nepali even , were giving live telecast for complete about an hour , of the Royal British Wedding, William and his wife Cate, being announced as Duke and Duchess!!!

I wondered, this event , shows, and proves, the British Monarchy, being King Of The present World, dominiating even The US, although 200 odd Ammericans perished in Alambamma, due to stroms , and Obama waited to go there to show his solidarity, but The World stopped on one thing, Royal British Wedding!!!

Shows, we all are dominated by the British Crown!!
God Bless!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pagla Haawa by Kobi Guru Robindro Nath vision

'Pagla Haawa', this song, i used to hear , in my early days in my childhood, sung by Late Hemanta ji, often in the radio, the older days, big radio, which ran on valves and would throw out large volumes of sound!!!

As usual, i used to hear it, never it struck my thoughts /mind, as to what really is 'Paagla Haawa'?

This song ,although a remix, was sent to me , from one of mine sensible friend , who stays far off, in the east, never seen , never met, and never thought, but one thing in common, same lines of thinking!! Age wise of different era and stages!!!! But , yes , my friend really understands and has assimilated 'paagla haawa'!!

As , i started rethinking and reanalysing, 'Paagla Haawa', I found this to be a Great feeling, as to what is 'Paagla Haawa'....

'Paagla Haawa' is a state, of Universalism, a state of Freedom and Non alignment to any thing, like a water in the bowl, which flows in the bottle, but as you chill it, slowly it slows down, and becomes, hard Ice. No movements!!!

Our mind has to be such, solid , so that we do not have any desires, nor we have any regrets.....
Yes this is The State of 'Paagla Haawa'...

It is Great of Kobi Guru, who could relish this state of selflessness....
This is a Pure State of 'Nirwaana', which can be attained only by The Grace and Blessings of 'Sri Gurudev'!!

The travel of 'Kundalini, from 'Muladhar to 'Saahashr'..
State of 'Ahaam Bhraamhaashmi'! He Who Is Me!!!
Merger of Maya, Nayak aur naayika, The Atma merges with The Supreme!!!! Paagla Haawa....
True, this state , is the station , which one has to reach or 'salvation', possible only by Guru Kripa!!

Thank you my dear little friend, you have attained it so early!!!!
May God Bless You!!
Satya Aum!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Trans Asian Railways!!!!

Bangladesh gets aboard Trans-Asian Railway
8 out of 28 countries yet to sign deal

Bangladesh joined the Trans-Asian Railway (TAR) Friday, a move that would connect the country's rail system to a 81,000km network stretching from Europe to East and South-East Asia.

Signing the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Trans-Asian Railway Network makes Bangladesh the 20th signatory to the deal, but Dhaka would still need to sign bilateral agreements to make the TAR network operable.

Only eight of the 28 countries under the TAR network are yet to sign the agreement, due to "procedural" and "technical" matters, rather than disagreement about the project, communication ministry officials told The Daily Star.

A similar road agreement, the Asian Highway network, is yet to be signed even though the council of advisers had given its approval back in April.

The cross-border network also identifies Bangladesh as a transit route between China and India, the world's fastest growing economies.

Bangladesh's permanent representative to the UN, Ismat Jahan, signed the agreement at UN headquarters Friday.

The 81,000km (50,200 mile) network, first mooted by the UN back in 1960, is also dubbed the "Iron Silk Road" after the ancient trade route. It would link capitals, ports and industrial hubs across the 28 Asian countries all the way to Europe.

The UN-backed agreement was signed by 10 countries in Jakarta, Indonesia late last year.

The TAR enters Bangladesh from three directions from the Indian state of West Bengal and exits through a single gateway in the east at Gundhum, Myanmar.

The routes go through industrial centres in the north and south-west of the country, run through the capital's outskirts of Joydevpur and into Chittagong.

The first entry point is at Gede, India and the route goes through Darshana, Iswardi, Jamuna Bridge, Joydevepur, Akhaura, Chittagong, Dohazari, and Gundhum-Myanmar.

The second entry point is at Singabad, India and goes through Rajshahi, Iswardi, Jamuna Bridge, Joydevpur, Akhaura, Chittagong, Dohazari, and Gundhum-Myanmar.

The third entry point is through Radhikapur, India and goes through Dinajpur, Iswardi, Jamuna Bridge, Joydevpur, Akhaura, Chittagong, Dohazari, and Gundhum-Myanmar.

Much of the railway network already exists, although some significant gaps remain as evident in the tardy progress over the past five decades.

Even though the TAR planners held forth high expectations after the end of the Cold War, a major obstacle, Asian countries continue to be embroiled in their own conflicts and tensions.

Continent-wide technical problems include switching between different-gauge tracks, where to stop, cumbersome immigration procedures, unsafe ferries and inadequate border-crossing facilities for travellers and merchants.

A study by the UN's Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), which oversees the TAR, has found four corridors for the overall project.

The Northern Corridor will link Europe and the Pacific from Germany to Japan, the Southern Corridor will stretch from Europe to South-East Asia, a South-East Asian Corridor, and a North-South Corridor would link northern Europe with the Persian Gulf.

ESCAP chief Kim Hak-Su states on the TAR website that the project is one of the only ways to shift the massive amount of minerals between large Asian markets to fuel their booming economies, especially between Japan, China, South-East Asia, India, and the Middle-East.

It would also assist the Asia's 12 landlocked countries, he said.

Asia has top 20 container seaports but has fewer than 100 "dry ports", inland container depots. Europe, by contrast, has 200 and the United States 370.
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