Thursday, December 29, 2011

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, my next Home for sometimes!!

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, became my next destination! I was waiting for 2 months in Gorakhpur, staying in a flat , given to live by my faithful friend Mr Pandey ji, I did not even remember his full name, but he is helping me, when all my doors were closed shut!!!

It's God's management, one door shuts, 10 doors open up!! True , this proved His Plans & Presence!!

I leave Gorakhpur, end of August 2011, just before the end of Ramadan, to reach New Delhi, stay in my sister's house in MayurVihar, on 26th August 11, i leave from New Delhi, in a Saudi airlines flight! The flight took off in the afternoon , to reach Riyad, just before the sunset.. , just in time for The Sallah!!

I was all alone in Riyad airport, no language, no friends, no support! Great feelings.. I realised that The Prayer was over, people came out, and there was a gathering , people rushing towards the eateries, to end up their fast...

A Boy , Saudi, who was carrying a packet of Dates, came to me and offered & asked me to take some dates!! I was very happy & pleased for this kind gesture!! I reluktently took the date, he was very pleased & happy! God Bless!

I was asked that I should not take any photographs and camera, as it was not allowed to take pictures in a crowd! I did not take..

I waited for my next flight, in the early morning at 2:00 am to Jizan, my Province.., I made friend to a Black Gentleman, Mr Ahmad, he was in a retail store in the airport, i purchased a newspaper. We made friendship, and exchanged his cell phone number! Kind person..

In the Aircraft to Jizan, the flight was packed, my seat was nest to a Saudi doctor, working as a Paediatrician, in Riyad, but from Jizan. He was travelling back home to be with his family in Jizan. Very kind person.. He invited me to his house in Jizan.. , for The Ramadan.

I came out of the airport with my luggage, left all alone, no one came to receive, no language, and abondoned! Did not know where to go..

I called my friend in New Delhi, Rajman Sb, he suggested me to go to Red Cresent Ambulance, but i could not find any one. I saw a person looking like Indian, Taxi driver, I asked him , if he could take me to The Directrate of Health, he agreed, said i need to pay SR 30..( This man was from Azamgarh, UP), he took me for a ride, normally 5 SR was the cost. I was thrown in The office stair, no one there..

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Dear Father........ we miss you!!

Late Amiya Bagchi.

I from the early days, was along with my brother, Animesh, were brought up by my maternal Grandfather, Late Jitendra Nath Sanyal , from Gorakhpur.

My father was working then in a Govt Undertaking Company, Coal India Limited, Subsidiary, CMPDI( Central Mines Design & Planning Institute). Those were the Happy days..
My father would come in train, changing several places, would not get room in the train, but we would travel First Class, He would of course, travel lower class, as trains were expensive in our status, He gave us The Best, that He could.., and Today we are What He Gave Us!!!

We Miss You Luck!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Anna Ji & MMS and his Government, why GOI do not want Lokpaal Bill..

I was wondering, as to why MMS and his duffer courtiers , were against the Jan Lok Paal Bill.. Lalu Prasad yadav, always against....

I am attaching the Wikileaks List Of People, who have stached money in swiss banks..:-

The List speaks itself..
rajiv gandhi, kalamandi, harshad mehta, lalloo prasad yadav, etc..

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Anna ji & Our People

Satya Aum!!

I have been watching the events unfolding itself....
The Country is frenzy..
People in the cities and towns, all showing their solidarity..

Great To watch Little Children, participating in full support.

But as usual, God Forgive me, I am unable to find any usefulness for our masses??

Anna Ji, did a wonderful job, he could arise The Masses, India is a country with a great quality, we may be fragmented, but when it comes The turn for Our Country, we are all together!! For the country.

Same here, people have become disgraunted with the today's democratic system.. Full of corruption, wherein, The majority is left out, whereas by enginering and design, the minority is ruling the country....

The ruiling as well as the oppositionpoliticians, are all for their interests, siphoning the country...

This is added by a great italino mafiaso, with all her illgotten money...

The design, which I could analyse,( May God make me wrong !!! ),

The Game Plan is as:-

The people, shows solidarity and revolt with Annaji, they would be supported by raul vinci, who would sack MMS and his cabinet, raul vinci, would take the chair of PM. He would be there for some oppurtunistic time.. Poor Great Indian people would just cheer upon raul vinci, for his great deeds..., then when raul vinci and his dear mother sania maino, shifts themself and their wealth, raul would shift to a safer heaven followed by his columbian , daughter of drug cartel, who may be tried for becomming Great Indian Bahu, but in the end, raul vinci would too leave for safer heavens, the mantle of PM's chair would go to The fastest & richest christian Billionaire Of India,robert vadra,( dhiru bhai with all his tricks, took about 50 years to become a billionaire, but robert vadra took only 10 years to become 10 billionaire), who is the third person after President of India and Chief Justice of India, NOT TO BE FRISKED at the International airport..It was more than a mere co incidence for vadra, to loose his brother, sister all in a sequence, in different accidents followed by his defying dear father, who committed suicide..

Think India Think!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Life's Events!!! Incidents & Co Incidents!!! The Effect of Legality on Gender Basis!

I was trying to rethink and reanalyse one's life!!

I am close and friendly with the following friends, I am not naming them, as I do not have their permission to publically name them, but I am citing an example for illustration purposes only!!

My Closest friend, Mr (X), same as my age, known him from the last 14/15 years, nothing in common, he is a Supreme Court Lawyer, in active practice, a person from far away another state, West Bengal, we together share many things, habbits, way of life etc. He had a family, his only son is same age as my younger son, his estranged wife a English Professor, in a renouned Kolkatta College, her back ground is a renouned Bengali Politician, State Office Bearer, of Congress, but the lady did not wanted to continue with my friend. Why, I asked her? She replied, actually Mr(X), is a good person, but we together do not go far !!!
Both of them contested a legal war for the last 12 years, gained, nothing, wasted time, energy, and of course hard earned money!!! End of the day, both seperated, the lady managed to get a huge financial compensation, including whole of the money that my friend had earned, a house, car and support of the son life time!!
End result, my friend became more and more absorbed in legal practice, his behaviour became a difficult one, with no friends. he turned himself into a Legal Recluse!!!He did not remarry, although 13 years have passed by!!

Second friend, Mr(Y), a qualified IT Post Grad Professional, working in The US. He did not have any children! He after marrying, had left for a greener future to The US and had got a job in a MNC! 6 figures job! He was happy & thanked GOD for His Blessings.
Things went wrong after 2 years of married life! The wife did not wanted to stay at the In Laws place, and the poor husband could not take away the wife with him, to The US.
The wife started legal proceedings against the husband and his family! IPC 498A, 323, 506, 504 many other legal sections were invoked. The husband had to come back from the US to fight & protect his parents!
In the end, after loosing his US job, money and social status , this friend has become a activist, he although won all the legal cases against him, although it took only 19 years to fight the legal battle!
He has started a NGO, namely Parivaar Suruksha Sangha, has invested his left over money ,and built a ashram in haridwar for similar persons, wants to come back to New Delhi, to fight for the ammendment of Section 498A IPC and other rellated newer laws. Even after 20 years, he did not remarry!!

Third friend, Mr (Z), a Orthopaedic Surgeon, from a Well known renouned Royal family of Nepal. A Mr Clean one, has/had a kid of 8 years. This gentleman studied in India, did his Post Grad in Orthopaedics from a renouned Indian Institute. Professionally and other wise a decent, soft spoken and gentleman. He too, like my previous friends was a faithful and honest familyman.
He in a shrot period of 9 years time had earned enough , so that he had purchased a good flat in Kathmandu in the name of his wife! Only fault of his was, he was far away from kathmandu for his job.
Out of blue, one day his wife came to him, accompanied with a lawyer, said she wants a divorce, and she got it, in the settlement, she took all the earnings and the house at Kathmandu!! My friend, quite younger than me, is in psychological shock!

Fourth friend, Mr (A), he too was a Computer IT professional from WB, but working in Mumbai. His inlaws , used to stay along with him, out of no reason, which one can comprehend reasonabily, things strained so much, Criminal & Civil suits are in progress, has reached upto The Supreme Court, but lifes lost, no job, legal expence added, so many troubles added. All lost for both of them.

Fifth myself, same story, womenisering, at the end to save the left out family status, lost every thing i had earned in my life time of 54 years, my only earning of 2 hospitals, test tube baby centre , the plots and cars and all the materialistic things. I becoming and living a life of destitute, added with the burden of supporting both of my sons, although i earn so little after my illness of Brain Tumor, (which is less for myself), but By HIS Grace, I shall fight back. Shall win, but for what gains. 28 cases were instigated against myself, my faithful driver & a faithful friend (although he happened to be from my inlaws side). I gave up every thing, i have become a pauper, but relieved, but I know By HIS Grace, i would regain again!!

I am writing this not as a comment against any person, but as a whole, to the society, why such events are happening, which are devastating, and the draconian laws which have been made without giving much thoughts should be reassesed!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Estranged Wife , Ranjana

I was a usual sentimental type, from my Initial Childhood! I grew up , under the influence of my Maternal Grandfather Late Jitendra Nath Sanyal, The Great Indian Revolutionary, a living saint!Incidently, I found his name in the lineage of Yogi Sri Lahiri Mohashaya, The Great Kriya Yogi..

I was a average student, but a serious medical student. I finished my MBBS, thereafter, i did my house job at The Railway Hospital, Gorakhpur, as I could not get House Job in my College, in Surgery.

I joined , The Surgical Department of BRD Medical College, Gorakhpur, in 1983, as Jr Resident, thereafter in the next years time, I got the job of Registar in Surgery, in the final year of MS Surgery. There I met a Serious looking type of a girl, Ranjana, who did not have a father, brought , like me in her maternal grand parents home, grand father , who was taking care of her, was a businessman, who had passed away recently, leaving her , under the care of her Illeterate grand mother, i was carried away towards her, probably, by her being a person without any one to look after, rather a person in need of some one.

Finally, after , about 1 1/2 years , of routine courtship, we decieded to get married. I with great difficulty, could write a post card to my mother, informing about our decision of getting married. My younger brother, Animesh was sent by my parents to make me readjust myself and get a decision of not marrying me as it would be a Intercaste marriage, but I was adamant, finally, after my Paternal Grandmother , agreed , we married on 31st May 1984. My family, came from Ranchi & Jamshedpur to Gorakhpur and the Wedding was Solemnised!

Time passed in fast forwards, I had a taste of living in heaven, although the initial shortcommings, to start a family and the work load and the stress of having less money, was here, but we were together very happy.

I then decieded, that Ranjana would go for Gynaecology in the MS, as I thought, she would have a good practice and together, we would have a ? Successful practice and would earn enough for us to be happy. Ranjana was in the 2nd year of MS Gynaecology, when our Elder son , now named Arjun was born. Some how, our and her friends helped us in getting the deliveries and subsequent care. My friend Dr Awasthi and Bhabhiji and Rashmi & Pratima , both class fellows of Ranjana helped in many ways.

After 3 weeks , with load from The Post Graduate studies and being we alone, we decieded, to leave Arjun, with the care of my parents and sisters, at Ranchi. We somehow, took the young Arjun to his grand parents at Ranchi, and with a heavy heart we had to leave the new born under the care of his grandparents.

We , after comming back, became very busy, with a very heavy schedule. My MS Surgery was over and to earn money i found a job , with The Coal India limited, a GOI Company, to be posted at CHN Naisarai, with lots of professional interferences , was transferred to CHN Gandhinagar, the headquaters.I was better at Ranchi, but was not satisfied professionally, as the work was not like a medical college, work and i needed work. I had become a workholic! I suddenly, left the job, although the money was excellent, but I found myself at a Private Hospital, Aliya General Hospital, at Mau Nath Bhanjan.

I would sometimes visit and go to gorakhpur, to see my wife, but would be teased by her as to why had i come and i would go back to mau, feeling hurt, to again return back after about a month again!

I could not fit myself at The Hospital and left , as usual , like i left my previous job, to come back , all unnoticed back to Gorakhpur! I had no money, no plans and Ranjana was in her final stages of her MS Gynae, but i was there!!

My senior, Dr DK Srivastava, Funda Boss, who was working with the SPM Department in The BRD Medical College, helped me , he could find a place for me to stay and start a practice at Alinagar ,Mohalla, of gorakhpur.

to be continued...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Khuli joo aankh tha( When I opened my eyes, from a dream)

Last few years passed as if I was sleeping and seeing a dream!!!

Suddenly, as I open my eyes today, I find a differen world, people selfish, busy and carelessely self centered!!!

I remember this after I listen to Ustad Maarrhum Mehdi Hassan Sb's Ghazal,---
'Khulee joo aankh to, naa woh taah , naa woh jaamaana tha,
deehekti aag, tha, tanhaai thi, faasaana thaa....

truely, I am living in the same situation!!
Allhum dilullaha!!
God Bless

Royal Wedding!!

Today, I was astonished to find all the contemporary TV Channels, be it CNN,Aljazeera, Indian Soap Operas, and of course, nepali even , were giving live telecast for complete about an hour , of the Royal British Wedding, William and his wife Cate, being announced as Duke and Duchess!!!

I wondered, this event , shows, and proves, the British Monarchy, being King Of The present World, dominiating even The US, although 200 odd Ammericans perished in Alambamma, due to stroms , and Obama waited to go there to show his solidarity, but The World stopped on one thing, Royal British Wedding!!!

Shows, we all are dominated by the British Crown!!
God Bless!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pagla Haawa by Kobi Guru Robindro Nath vision

'Pagla Haawa', this song, i used to hear , in my early days in my childhood, sung by Late Hemanta ji, often in the radio, the older days, big radio, which ran on valves and would throw out large volumes of sound!!!

As usual, i used to hear it, never it struck my thoughts /mind, as to what really is 'Paagla Haawa'?

This song ,although a remix, was sent to me , from one of mine sensible friend , who stays far off, in the east, never seen , never met, and never thought, but one thing in common, same lines of thinking!! Age wise of different era and stages!!!! But , yes , my friend really understands and has assimilated 'paagla haawa'!!

As , i started rethinking and reanalysing, 'Paagla Haawa', I found this to be a Great feeling, as to what is 'Paagla Haawa'....

'Paagla Haawa' is a state, of Universalism, a state of Freedom and Non alignment to any thing, like a water in the bowl, which flows in the bottle, but as you chill it, slowly it slows down, and becomes, hard Ice. No movements!!!

Our mind has to be such, solid , so that we do not have any desires, nor we have any regrets.....
Yes this is The State of 'Paagla Haawa'...

It is Great of Kobi Guru, who could relish this state of selflessness....
This is a Pure State of 'Nirwaana', which can be attained only by The Grace and Blessings of 'Sri Gurudev'!!

The travel of 'Kundalini, from 'Muladhar to 'Saahashr'..
State of 'Ahaam Bhraamhaashmi'! He Who Is Me!!!
Merger of Maya, Nayak aur naayika, The Atma merges with The Supreme!!!! Paagla Haawa....
True, this state , is the station , which one has to reach or 'salvation', possible only by Guru Kripa!!

Thank you my dear little friend, you have attained it so early!!!!
May God Bless You!!
Satya Aum!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Trans Asian Railways!!!!

Bangladesh gets aboard Trans-Asian Railway
8 out of 28 countries yet to sign deal

Bangladesh joined the Trans-Asian Railway (TAR) Friday, a move that would connect the country's rail system to a 81,000km network stretching from Europe to East and South-East Asia.

Signing the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Trans-Asian Railway Network makes Bangladesh the 20th signatory to the deal, but Dhaka would still need to sign bilateral agreements to make the TAR network operable.

Only eight of the 28 countries under the TAR network are yet to sign the agreement, due to "procedural" and "technical" matters, rather than disagreement about the project, communication ministry officials told The Daily Star.

A similar road agreement, the Asian Highway network, is yet to be signed even though the council of advisers had given its approval back in April.

The cross-border network also identifies Bangladesh as a transit route between China and India, the world's fastest growing economies.

Bangladesh's permanent representative to the UN, Ismat Jahan, signed the agreement at UN headquarters Friday.

The 81,000km (50,200 mile) network, first mooted by the UN back in 1960, is also dubbed the "Iron Silk Road" after the ancient trade route. It would link capitals, ports and industrial hubs across the 28 Asian countries all the way to Europe.

The UN-backed agreement was signed by 10 countries in Jakarta, Indonesia late last year.

The TAR enters Bangladesh from three directions from the Indian state of West Bengal and exits through a single gateway in the east at Gundhum, Myanmar.

The routes go through industrial centres in the north and south-west of the country, run through the capital's outskirts of Joydevpur and into Chittagong.

The first entry point is at Gede, India and the route goes through Darshana, Iswardi, Jamuna Bridge, Joydevepur, Akhaura, Chittagong, Dohazari, and Gundhum-Myanmar.

The second entry point is at Singabad, India and goes through Rajshahi, Iswardi, Jamuna Bridge, Joydevpur, Akhaura, Chittagong, Dohazari, and Gundhum-Myanmar.

The third entry point is through Radhikapur, India and goes through Dinajpur, Iswardi, Jamuna Bridge, Joydevpur, Akhaura, Chittagong, Dohazari, and Gundhum-Myanmar.

Much of the railway network already exists, although some significant gaps remain as evident in the tardy progress over the past five decades.

Even though the TAR planners held forth high expectations after the end of the Cold War, a major obstacle, Asian countries continue to be embroiled in their own conflicts and tensions.

Continent-wide technical problems include switching between different-gauge tracks, where to stop, cumbersome immigration procedures, unsafe ferries and inadequate border-crossing facilities for travellers and merchants.

A study by the UN's Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), which oversees the TAR, has found four corridors for the overall project.

The Northern Corridor will link Europe and the Pacific from Germany to Japan, the Southern Corridor will stretch from Europe to South-East Asia, a South-East Asian Corridor, and a North-South Corridor would link northern Europe with the Persian Gulf.

ESCAP chief Kim Hak-Su states on the TAR website that the project is one of the only ways to shift the massive amount of minerals between large Asian markets to fuel their booming economies, especially between Japan, China, South-East Asia, India, and the Middle-East.

It would also assist the Asia's 12 landlocked countries, he said.

Asia has top 20 container seaports but has fewer than 100 "dry ports", inland container depots. Europe, by contrast, has 200 and the United States 370.
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Friday, February 25, 2011

Life as it moves on.....

I am 54 now, I sometimes think for myself, as to why I was born?
What , was I had supposed , to do & achieve?
Feel , real disgusted sometimes now!!

I pray , to GOD , so that we are given a reset button, life's become Great Mess & Hell!!!

Don't know, if ever I could get out of this quagmire!!!